So I have been getting more and more into bitcoin in the last few weeks and I have decided not only to accept payments in bitcoin but, as an added incentive to pay in bitcoin, I am offering 20% off both the eBook and the paperback versions of Sex 3.0 if you pay in bitcoin.

The price of the eBook in bitcoin (with discount already applied) is here and the price of the paperback (with discount already applied – includes shipping) is here.

To pay by bitcoin simply send your bitcoin to this wallet 1FrLqHs7UtzAeXJkSLyDffUW2ppNfvjS9u or scan the QR code below and use the contact form here to let me know where to send the book.


Finally I have decided that all future products that Sex 3.0 sells will be available via bitcoin too and any donations that you wish to make to the Sex 3.0 cause can also be made by sending bitcoins to the wallet above.

As far as I know, that makes Sex 3.0 the first ever sexual revolution movement on the internet to accept bitcoins 😉

