Duration – 8,000 BC until the present day

Now that the book has been launched, lets take a look at how and Sex 2.0 came to be.

Of the 8.7 million species of animals on the planet, we are the only one that has any concept of property.  Dolphins don’t own shit and it’s not because they are so stupid and we are so intelligent.  Dolphins are intelligent creatures.

Once human beings developed the concept of property we became unique on the planet but not necessarily in a good way.

The first impact on human sexuality was that it became very important for men to treat women as sexual property.  The reason behind this is very simple. Once you have property like fertile land to grow food, farm animals, a house and other survival resources, a man wants  to pass his survival resources down to his own children to best ensure the survival of his own blood line.  Not to somebody else’s children and someone else’s blood line.

The primary directive – survival – does not just mean “don’t get killed”.  It also means survival of your genetic line, your DNA.  Giving your children, and their children, the best chance to survive too and to continue the family tree.

Now why would this mean women and not men become sexual property?

Well, regardless of what culture you grow up in, the language spoken, the ethnicity, region of the world or anything else, one thing never changes.  When a new-born baby arrives it comes out of the body of the woman and not the man.

That means a women NEVER needs to be worried about the possibility that she might be raising somebody else’s child.  It came out of her body so it’s self-evident that it is her child.

Does not matter how many men she has had sex with, she knows for a fact that she is raising her own child because the baby came out of her body.

Men do not have that luxury.

A woman knows that all the time, emotional and financial effort she puts towards that child is an investment in the survival of her own blood line whereas men don’t.

Men experience paternity concern (or PAC for short).  Women cannot experience maternity concern because the self-evident nature of childbirth means they are left in no doubt as to the identity of the mother.

In the Sex 1.0 era, paternity concern was never really an issue of too much concern.  During practically all of the Sex 1.0 era, calendars had not yet been invented.  Without calendars, it is fantastically unlikely that people would have been aware that there was any connection at all between having sex and, roughly 270 sunrises later, a baby arriving.

They would have assumed that the same pagan or shamanistic gods that governed the tides and the rains placed the baby inside the woman (a belief that led to rise of the notion of the virgin birth which later became a popular motif in many religions).

Also, with no concept of property in Sex 1.0, no property based self-interest, no material goods to pass down and all children being raised and looked after by the tribe as a whole, paternity concern was not really so important.

The invention of property changed everything.

During the conception and birth of Sex 2.0, if paternity concern was the sperm then the egg was the invention of property.

No creature, human or otherwise, acts against their nature unless they have a reason to.

The invention of property when mixed with paternity concern formed a combination so powerful that it gave us reason to do so and so powerful that it acted as the catalyst in moving humanity from Sex 1.0 to Sex 2.0.

In order to deal the issue of paternity concern that men now had as the result of the invention of property and the role that property now played in the survival of their blood line, a new deal had to be struck.

A deal which was sought which would ease male insecurity, best ensure the paternity of their children, perpetuation of their genes and property down their blood line.

It had to be a deal which allowed men to claim women as their sexual property.  One which demanded their fidelity to allay their paternity concern.

And so a new deal was struck and I will talk about the new deal in my next post.
